The #oneminuteofplayaday challenge

Play has a vital role in creativity but is something we as adults tend to shy away from. Cloudgazing Creatives is on a mission to change that, to help you reap the creative benefits of play as a grownup! We challenge you to build in time everyday to let your brain have some fun, and see the effect this has on your creativity and creative thinking ( not to mention the many other positive life benefits!)

How it works:

It’s simple, just take a minute a day to play! Remember, play isn’t about an end result, this isn’t about “making something” that you will sell or even necessarily show to others, it’s about doing something just for the fun of it. Try to remember when you were a child and the things you used to do for fun and build on that. You will quite likely feel foolish at first, but don’t let that stop you- push through any embarrassment and remember, you don’t need to share what you are doing if you don’t want to so the only person that might be judging you is you! Let it go!

We’d love to follow your progress with this challenge- use the hashtag #oneminuteofplayaday on instagram and tag us @cloudgazingcreatives and we’ll be cheering you on, and sharing the most fun playful ideas with others in our feed to help give some inspiration!

Feeling stuck? Here are some ideas to get you started!

Get ideas on how to create your own #oneminuteofplayaday toolkit here